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Talk about puzzles!

Use this forum to share any puzzle sites you've found, talk about any puzzles you want to or whatever else relates to puzzling.

It's been a while since I

It's been a while since I played it, but if you're talking about the one where you have the pictures on the wall with the tunes, you have to find all the pictures in the room and hang them on the wall. Then you click the pictures you get their tune, and then you have to play the tune on the piano. I hope that helps.

Does anyone know how to get

Does anyone know how to get through the piano room in the pc game dream chronicles?

does anyone know how to work

does anyone know how to work the piano room in the pc game "Dream Chronicles"?

I found another puzzle- also

I found another puzzle- also based off notpron. It's humbler than that other one, but just as hard. The Uberriddle - http://www.uberriddle.bravehost.com/

I just found a puzzle site,

I just found a puzzle site, quite brain painful I must say.
It has been inspired by notpron, they say it's very difficult. But it looks like fun