Hey folks!
Sorry for the lack of updates. I’ve decided to once again change the focus on KB (I know, shocker right?) Instead of posting about specific things, I’ve decided I’m going to use the site to post about whatever I feel like. So today’s post will cover several topics, including what’s going on with Big Brother, the casual games reviews/news website Gamezebo, the fact that I’m looking for a job and whatever else I feel like writing by the time I get to the end.
First things first - Big Brother has been a great season so far. The twists are probably the best they’ve been. Of course, that may not be true if you are/were a Danielle & Dominic fan, but for Brendan/Rachel fans, this season has not disappointed. I was so happy when Brendan came back and very disappointed when Dani won HoH again and sent him home. We’ll find out who wins HoH this week, but the competition is definitely geared towards Jeff winning. He had almost twice as much liquid in his jar when they went off the air. If you know who wins HoH and who they put up, please don’t post about it here until after tomorrow’s show. Thanks!