Hey folks!
Sorry for the lack of updates. I’ve decided to once again change the focus on KB (I know, shocker right?) Instead of posting about specific things, I’ve decided I’m going to use the site to post about whatever I feel like. So today’s post will cover several topics, including what’s going on with Big Brother, the casual games reviews/news website Gamezebo, the fact that I’m looking for a job and whatever else I feel like writing by the time I get to the end.
First things first - Big Brother has been a great season so far. The twists are probably the best they’ve been. Of course, that may not be true if you are/were a Danielle & Dominic fan, but for Brendan/Rachel fans, this season has not disappointed. I was so happy when Brendan came back and very disappointed when Dani won HoH again and sent him home. We’ll find out who wins HoH this week, but the competition is definitely geared towards Jeff winning. He had almost twice as much liquid in his jar when they went off the air. If you know who wins HoH and who they put up, please don’t post about it here until after tomorrow’s show. Thanks!
If you haven’t heard about Gamezebo yet, are you living under a rock? It’s a fantastic website. They cover everything from the games we were covering here (HoG, Time Management PC games) as well as Android, iPhone, iPad, Mac and more. They also cover the social gaming scene as well. So if you haven’t made your way over there yet, be sure to do so now. Of course, I’m also posting about them because I’ll be writing articles for them. I’ll post news here whenever I put up a post over there, so stay tuned.
On to sadder news - I’m looking for a job. Is there anything worse in the world than sending out resumes and not getting any calls? I haven’t really been in the job hunt in over ten years, so I’m feeling pretty rusty. I’d prefer to find a job that allows me to continue to stay home, so I can pick up my kids from school and take care of their after school needs, but I’ve been applying for jobs locally here in San Antonio that I think would be great jobs to have. I just haven’t gotten a single call yet. So wish me luck on my job hunt, and if you hear of anything in community, editorial, forum moderation or anything generally fun - please let me know.
There are two major projects I’m currently working out, outside of what I’ve said above. The first is my novel. It’s done but it needs some rewriting and I’m struggling to find the time to write. Once the kids start school, I’m hoping to get it done. It’s a modern urban fantasy starring a private investigator who lives in San Antonio. She’s also a witch. There’s these supernatural beings called the Asura - just think of them like pure magic - and they have an incredibly deep back story that needs its own set of books to tell. I’m really excited to get the book done and get people reading it. If you want to be a beta reader, let me know!
The other project is another website. It’s called The Bowling Frame. It started out as an idea to get San Antonio area information up (I’ve gone to all the local bowling alleys and gotten their league and tournament flyers), but has branched out into a nationwide resource. I’m doing a lot of data entry right now and it’s a lot of work, but I’m very excited about it. Yes, we are a family of bowlers. My husband is actually averaging about 225 in his current league - he’s that good. I’m starting a league next week - but it’s a day league and I’m wondering if I should try to get in a night league instead. Unfortunately, San Antonio’s lacking for women’s leagues at night - but there is another league I’m potentially interested in. It’s an alternative lifestyle league - and I just want to know if I’ll be welcome being straight before I go. I’m sure I would be, but still … gotta ask first.
So that’s about all for my stream of consciousness tonight. I’ll be updating more now that the site can be about anything that crosses my mind! If you want to write for KB too and post about whatever crosses your mind, you can email me and I’ll set you up with an account (that simple!) My email is staci.k (at) killerbetties.com.
I’m out!